Friday, March 23, 2012

Reflection on 2nd class of Deductive Teaching.

We revisited the topic Deductive teaching strategy whereby sir gave us an example of both DTS and ITS on the board. We were made to identify the two strategy from the written examples. After that we were given a piece of paper which was a lesson plan based on Deductive Teaching Strategy.  We went through that lesson plan and i can confidently say that it enhanced in further understanding of my knowledge about DTS.

And finally, we were given a task (First Assignment) in which we have to prepare a lesson plan on any topic from IT/English Subject. And that particular lesson plan should be based on Inductive Teaching Strategy. Duration of the class must be of 50 minutes.

Submission Date; 26/03.2012 Monday

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Reflection on Deductive Teaching Strategy

We were switched onto a new topic-Deductive Teaching Strategy. This new topic was easy to learn and i found it flexible to learn because it is an antonym of the word Inductive Teaching Strategy which we have learned in our previous class. As per my understanding, Deductive teaching is the strategy in which the teacher initially presents the principle or generalization followed by application of the principles and testing of that principle. It is basically leading the student's from unknown to known, abstract to concrete and Complex to simple.

Phases of Deductive Teaching Strategy
I.Presentation of Abstraction
II.Teacher illustrates it with examples.
III.Std's give example's of concepts and apply them in new situations.
IV.Std's restates the concept or definition that they have learned.

Purposes of  Deductive Teaching
  • It is a teacher centered approach where std's are taken as blank slates.
  • This strategy creates dependency in std's limiting their thinking ability.
  • This strategy is basically used to help std's with learning disability, to enhance their learning.
Advantages of DTS;
  • Less time consuming.
  • Different from route learning as it is a strategy where logical interlinking of the element is encouraged.
  • Most of the school materials/curriculum can be easily taught through deductive strategy.
  • involves all levels of questions.
Disadvantages of DTS;
  • Std's are not actively involved in the begining of the lesson.
  • Since it is a teacher centered approach it may not be challenging for the brighter std's.
Role of Teacher.
  1. Presents principles and generalizations.
  2. Tr needs to plan and prepare the detail information including materials.
  3. dictates information to std's
  4. Tr should know the abstract content.
  5. Active speaker.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Reflection on the Activity

After we got a comment on our activity on teaching IT topic (MS Excel), we thought of other topic. i.e, teaching of Computer hardware

  1. Giving examples and non-examples of Hardware(keyboard, mouse, MS office, etc)
  2. Let the student identify
  3. make the students the define the topic and give other new examples.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Reflection on today's class

Today, we revisited the topic "Inductive Teaching Strategy". In that we again touched onto the purposes of ITS. In that i knew that the teacher must enroll student's to think. We talked about the role of a teacher in Inductive teaching, and sir talked about these by asking some questions to the floor. Sir also touched onto the the 4 phases of ITS whereby i was asked to mention the 4 phases.

Finally, we did an activity on How we are going to teach a topic ENG/IT. we wrote it in a chart and presented to our friend. Our group wrote about teaching Verb and we got a good feedback over this because we were able to include all those 4 phases of Inductive teaching but a comment was left on the other topic of ours i.e, teaching MS excel. The discussion we had doesn't comprise the 4 main phases of Inductive Teaching.

Reflection on ITS

We discussed on the topic Inductive Teaching Strategy in home groups provided we are given different topics and Later we were deviated to expert groups whereby by we shared what we have discussed in our home group. We were given with different topics like, The steps of Inductive Teaching, Role of a teacher, Advantages and disadvantages of Inductive Teaching Strategy.

Here, I most importantly learned about the role of a teacher.
  • Teacher provides guidance (scaffolds)
  • Modelling (demonstrates)
  • Coaches
  • Cooperate and foster cooperation (encourages)
  • To make democratic classroom-views must be respected
  • giving opportunities to students.

Reflection on ITS

Going through this challenging topic(Inductive teaching), i not only enjoy learning it but also feel its importance for us as a constructivist teacher. It is very much inspiring to learn thetopic and further the 4 phases, the purposes, the advantages and disadvantages,its steps and mainly the role of a teacher. In simple words, if i define the term Inductive Teaching, discovery and inquiry based learning whereby a simple concept is used teach complex ideas.

Procedural steps of Inductive Teaching Strategy.

The 4 phases of ITS
 I. Open ended phase- teacher provides examples and non-examples.
II. Convergent phase- student's identifies the diff. patterns
III. Closure- student's gives their own definitions and their understandings.
IV. Application phase-tutor gives the appropriate answer at last.

Reflection on EDN 205

As per my view, i learned the definitions of three things. i can now differentiate between those three and i also came to know that some of the words are synonyms like method and approach, skills and technique.
There are many method to do something, but we decide to take 1 and that is called Approach, and in doing that we apply certain skills and technique.