Thursday, April 26, 2012

'Reflection on the 'Questioning Strategy'

That particular day was started with usual meditation. The very first presenter was Dessang Dorji who defined the strategy as "to create life long, independent learners who uses questioning as a tool to learn". He started giving some of the important features of the concept.Than it was followed by Yeshi Dema who briefly explained on the classification of questions such as: -
  • literal level question which is the most often used in the classroom
  • the inferential level which means to think and search
  • applied level
  • thinking time/wait time
  • no hand questioning and so on.
  •  basketball questioning where the moved and brought for discussion among students.
  • conscripts and volunteers where the teacher selects volunteers to answer.
  • phone a friend where the student take assistance from a friend through phone.
  • Hot seating where the is placed in a 'hot seat' and asked questions.
  • and others like preview, pair rehearsal, big question, fat question, skinny question and seek a partial answer. 
I was enriched with the knowledge regarding the three types of Questioning strategies;
i. Socratic Questioning : - 
Socrates the greatest educator taught through questioning his students. His uses Six different to draw answer from his students such as 1. Conceptual clarification question where they are make to think about what they are asking. 2. Probing Assumptions where they are make to think about the presupposition  and unquestioned beliefs. 3. Probing rationale, reasons and evidences  4. Questioning viewpoints and perspectives  5. Probe implications and consequences 6. Questioning about the questions.  

ii. Bloom's taxonomy : -
where Benjamin Blooms focuses on the six levels of question parallel to the six levels of thinking like
1. Remembering
2. Understanding
3. Applying
4. Analysing
5. Evaluating
6. creating

iii.  Kipling Questions: -
which is based on 5 wife and one husband. The 5 Ws are what, why, when, where who and the H how.

Role of teacher
  • model of critical thinking
  • Respect students views
  • probe their understanding and shows genuine in their thinking.
Role of students
  • participates when called upon
  • answer questions are carefully and clearly as possible
  • address the whole class so that everyone can hear their answer
  • be as succinct as possible

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